5 Hydroponic Gardening Mistakes You Should Watch Out For

Hydroponic gardening is a more efficient and hygienic method of growing seeds or plants compared to soil-based growing. However, to ensure that your seeds grow effectively, you need to be careful enough with the gardening. Mistakes are common and they usually lead to poor performance of the seeds or plants. For this reason, avoid the following mistakes when conducting hydroponic gardening. Using the Wrong Medium Since hydroponics entail a soilless method of growing your seeds, the type of medium that you choose has a huge impact on the quality of your crops. [Read More]

The important role of water heater anodes

It is an obvious fact of nature. If metal sits in water, it's bound to rust and finally oxidize down to nothing. This may spell the end for water heaters in conjunction with their steel interiors, however that is not the case thanks to the existence of anode rods. These simple devices literally expose themselves to the bullet for the survival of the water heater. This article explains how these anodes work and how householders can inspect them early and regularly for possible replacement. [Read More]