What Does it Take to Obtain a Prospective Marriage Visa in Australia?

A prospective marriage visa, also known as fiancé visa, allows an individual of marriageable age to come into Australia and marry their partner. The partner must be an Australian, citizen, a permanent resident of Australia, or a New Zealand citizen. Before applying for this visa, it is essential to understand the requirements that will qualify your application. This will help you assess your credibility and gather the necessary evidence and documentation to ensure that your application is not rejected. Here are some of the key requirements that you are expected to meet when applying for the prospective marriage visa.

Physical contact

You are required to have physically met your fiancé or partner and know them personally. In this case, online dating and any form of a relationship in which the partners haven't met in person may disqualify an individual from applying for a prospective marriage visa. You can use any recent photos, shared travel tickets, joint invitation cards, or any other documents that show you and your partner have physically met.

Genuine intention to marry

 A prospective marriage visa does not last forever. In Australia, it is valid for nine months, and you are expected to marry your fiancé or partner within this period. A valid notice of intention to marry document can be presented during the application process as evidence of your commitment and intention to marry after obtaining the visa. Ensure that you have ironed out important issues regarding your wedding so that you can begin the preparations after getting the visa. If the specified period lapses, you may be required to leave the country or obtain another visa to warrant your stay in Australia.

Health and character requirements

Health and character requirements should be met before one can be granted a prospective marriage visa. One may be required to take a medical examination, including tests such as a chest X-ray, Hepatitis B and C, and HIV among others as stated in the visa application. Also, you will need evidence of good character from the country in which you are a citizen and any other countries you may have lived in. Any criminal records or bad conduct can disqualify an individual from obtaining a fiancé visa.


Failure to attach the required documents with your visa application can lead to rejection. A document checklist is usually availed together with the visa form, and it is essential to confirm that you have attached all the required documents including evidence of the nature of the relationship between you and your partner.

Applying for a prospective marriage visa can be an engaging process. Utilize the services of an Australian immigration lawyer who will help you fill in all the required details, and gather the necessary documentation to ensure that your application is approved. For more information, contact a business such as Fisa Pty Ltd.
