The Benefits of Timber Roof Trusses for your Construction Project

Most construction projects encourage the use of timber or wood trusses over other types due to the tremendous benefits they offer. They offer flexibility in the available plan layout be it industrial, commercial, or residential structures. Take note that roofs are one of the most important parts of your house as they protect the people in it from external factors. For this reason, blending your roof with timber roof trusses will make it more perfect. Here are some benefits you can get when using this material for your roof in construction.

Versatility and Flexibility

Timber roof trusses are versatile and flexible enough to combine with other types of structural products. They blend well with other trusses and amalgamated structures like steel and glulam beams. They have long spans that do not need intermediate supports that create huge open spaces that designers and architects can use with more freedom. The trusses also allow movement of the partitions without affecting or compromising the structural integrity of the construction.

Strength and Durability

The use of timber trusses eliminates the major problems that arise from on-site framing. Accurate fabrications and quality control of the trusses are made to be uniform in size and shape. This ability offers the required structural stability and integrity of the building. They are also useful when it comes to scaffolding, concrete formwork, and false work for most industrial projects.

They are Economic

Installation of timber roof trusses can be done without involving heavy machinery and equipment. They are extremely light in weight which means they can be handled by workers and lifted from one place to another without much hassle. In addition, manufacture of trussed timber frames does not consume a lot of time making the life cycle of a construction project shorter.

Timber truss materials do not make up the waste materials generated at the construction site. This makes up the cleanup process less hence no extra costs needed for cleaning.

They are Environment Friendly

Timber trusses release carbon dioxide gas and grabs the gas back to exhale oxygen gas to the environment. Oxygen is a very friendly gas to the environment making it a friendly construction material at the site. In addition, timber consumes lesser energy to process into its final state which minimizes water and air pollution. Finally, it is known as the only renewable material used in construction that can help sustainability and development in the environment.
